You’re having a baby, congratulations! Now what’s next? Here are 5 important steps in your journey if you are pregnant in the Netherlands and planning to give birth here. 01. Choose your Midwife It is not standard to be...
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Meet Flore Smit, Midwife and Childbirth Instructor
At Parentally, we exist to help new and future parents find extra care and support to navigate the twists and turns of parenthood. Our missions is not only to raise awareness around all the different types of support...
Meet Pascale Lamacchia, Doula & Chinese Medicine specialist in Amsterdam
At Parentally, our mission is to help new and future parents find the extra care and support they need to navigate the twists and turns of parenthood. We do so by not only raising awareness around all the different...
Support your overall wellbeing thanks to optimum nutrition
Having a mindful awareness of what you consume can really support you on your journey to parenthood — from prenatal to postpartum and beyond. But, sometimes, knowing what to eat and which supplements to take can seem...
Prepare for the arrival of your baby with a birth preparation course
If you (or your partner) are pregnant, you might wonder how to best prepare for birth. A birth preparation course will help you feel more prepared for the arrival of your baby and gain confidence for the months to come...
Financial Support for Parents in the Netherlands: A Short Guide
Navigating the landscape of financial support for parents in the Netherlands can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers to the country or those embarking on the journey of parenthood for the first time. In this...
Get support on your parenting journey thanks to coaching
Family coaches can assist you as you navigate your pregnancy and parenting journey. By helping you to identify your parenting and family goals, a coach helps you gain perspective. Family or parenting coaches are...
Breastfeeding support: how lactation consultants can help
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, also known as IBCLC, are the real experts of breastfeeding. If you plan to breastfeed your baby or have just recently started to nurse your newborn, chances are...
How To Manage Pain During Labour and Childbirth: The Different Options
Childbirth is a profoundly transformative experience for any expectant mother. It marks the culmination of nine months of anticipation, and the pain that often accompanies it is a significant aspect of the process. Some...
Set up good sleeping habits with a child sleep consultant
Broken nights are part of the parenthood journey: in the early days, babies sleep cycles are often irregular. Newborns quickly get hungry, they need to learn what day and night rhythm means. This is only...
Pregnancy : keep a good energy level with yoga and fitness
While you may not feel like exercising as much as before during pregnancy, maintaining a regular physical activity is important. The more active you are, the easier it will be for you to adjust to body changes, stay fit...