We are tired
And with life’s daily stream of demands, it’s not a surprise that we feel disconnected from this baby and ourselves.
If you wonder how on earth you are going to birth again without sensing a shred of readiness, perplexed by the idea that you haven’t gotten your head around any kind of preparation, I’ve got your back, mama!
How does a deep dive transformative immersion solely dedicated to yourself and your baby feel in your body?
A space open to embody a renewed unshakeable trust in your resourcefulness, wisdom and brilliance so that you manifest a smooth and soul fused birth at the speed of light?
Whether you are craving for a well deserved time and attention, and even more when carrying the imprint of a suboptimal or traumatic previous birth experience, this is your opportunity to receive all the :
To create the birth experience exactly as you want this time around, so you are sure to provide yourself, your partner and sweet baby with a clear loving passage which will transition you all effortlessly into an energised expanded motherhood.
This is a LIVE in person group transmission & coaching with me, so expect the energy to be high. And soothing.
Claim your Early Bird price till Monday, January 23rd, and ensure you’re space is secured.
Thursday, January 26th, 18.30-20.30
Isis Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood centre
Regular price: 65 Euro.
Early bird till January 23rd is 55 Euro
Please send me an email at inbal@isishypnobirthing.nl.
Can’t wait to share with you the most nourishing path for an epic birth and wellbeing for yourself and your baby.
Inbal xoxo