
Calendar of Events

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Breastfeeding Preparation Class, October・Mamma Minds, IBCLC I Amsterdam

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HypnoBirthing® Group Course in Dutch, November・Sacred Mother I Amsterdam Zuid

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4-Weekly Childbirth Course, November・ACCESS with Akriti I Amsterdam

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HypnoBirthing® Group Course in Dutch, Nov/Dec・Sacred Mother I Amsterdam Zuid

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3 events,


GroovaRoo Babywearing Dance with Annick 8/11 – Monti’s World I Amsterdam




4-weekly childbirth course, November・ACCESS with Akriti I Utrecht

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Pregnant and Fit Compact childbirth preparation・Mirjam Vos Zwangerschaps- en Babycursussen I Amsterdam


HypnoBirthing® Group Course in Dutch, Nov/Dec・Sacred Mother I Amsterdam Noord

3 events,


Move met je baby: 1.5 to 3 month old, 3 sessions・Mirjam Vos Zwangerschaps- en Babycursussen I Amsterdam


Move met je baby: 4 to 9 month old, 5 sessions・Mirjam Vos Zwangerschaps- en Babycursussen I Amsterdam


Baby Massages, 5 sessions・Mirjam Vos Zwangerschaps- en Babycursussen I Amsterdam

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5-weekly Childbirth Course, Nov/Dec・ACCESS with Touching Life I Eindhoven


Sophrology & Pregnancy: Body & Mind Preparation Workshop for Moms-to-be・Delphine Ricciuti Sophrology, November 2024 I ONLINE

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Voorlichting Borstvoeding, 16 November・Mamma Minds, IBCLC I Amsterdam

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Featured -

🤰🏽Moms-to-be Meet-up 19/11・Parentally x Monti’s World I Amsterdam

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5-weekly Childbirth Course・ACCESS I The Hague

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Babywearing Fit-checks & Playroom with Adapting to Love I Amsterdam

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GroovaRoo Babywearing Dance Session with Annick 22/11 I Amsterdam

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Voorlichting Borstvoeding, 30 November・Mamma Minds, IBCLC I Parentally

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The Parentally team


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