Akriti offers Childbirth Courses specially designed for parents-to-be in The Netherlands, preparing them for a safe, calm, gentle and healthy birthing experience.
The one-day childbirth preparation course includes the following topics:
Location: Amstelveen / Verloskundigen Helende Meesters
Date: Saturday, January 18th 2025
Morning Session 10.00hr to 13.00hr
Lunch 13.00hr to 13.30hr
Afternoon session 13.30hr to 16.30hr
This course is also available as a Half-day course at 185Euros
Half day Childbirth Preparation Morning Session 10.00hr to 13.00hr
Akriti offers Childbirth Courses specially designed for parents-to-be in The Netherlands.
Our programs prepare expectant parents for a safe, calm, gentle and healthy birthing experience:
• HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method: A natural approach to a safe, easier and more comfortable birthing.
• One/Half day Childbirth preparation courses in Hilversum and Amstelveen
• HypnoBirthing® Refresher– HypnoBirthing refresher course is ONLY for Parents who have done the HypnoBirthing – Mongan Method course first time around
• HypnoMothering
• Infant Massage Course
→ Click on this link for more info and to book your spot.